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The Finance Committee are appointed at the AGM in May and sits for the following 12 months, Meetings are on the second Tuesday of every other month and start at 7:30pm. They are currently being held in Bishopstoke Methodist Church on Sedgwick Road.
The Finance Committee has between 5 and 7 members and needs at least 3 members present to be quorate. In some areas it has the power to make decisions on behalf of the Council and in others it can only make recommendations. This is detailed in the Terms of Reference. The Committee reports to Full Council which considers the recommendations of the Committee and notes its decisions. The Chair of the Committee also sits on the Human Resources Committee.
Responsibilities include:
• Oversight of Council expenditure as compared to the published budget.
• Oversight of the draft budget.
• Oversight of the audit process.
• Making initial grant recommendations.
• Oversight of all Council contracts.
• Drafting and recommending relevant policies.
• Recommending amendments to the Council’s Financial Regulations.
• Responding to relevant consultations on behalf of the Parish Council.
This year the Chair is again Cllr Anne Winstanley, with Cllr Mike Thornton acting as Vice Chair. The remaining Committee members are Cllrs Ben Burcombe-Filer, Louise Hillier-Wheal and Trevor Mignot.
Details of the next meeting are at the top of the page. You will also be able to view or download the agenda and document pack from the links at the top of the page. The draft minutes will be published as soon as possible after the meeting. Please email the Clerk if you wish to attend the meeting.