CLERK / RFO​​​​​​​
David Wheal
07368 487464
​​​​​​​​Tim Mellor
07368 487464
Emma Earl
CLERK - Mr David Wheal
The Clerk of a Parish Council is known as the "Proper Officer". This is a legal position which every Parish Council is required to fill. The Clerk is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Parish, for carrying out the lawful decisions of the Parish Council, and for providing advice, both legal and other, to the Council.
Bishopstoke's Clerk is David Wheal. He was appointed by the Council in late 2015 and began working for the Council on 1st January 2016. David is responsible for the overall running of Council business, managing the other officers and overseeing major projects, as well as writing Council policies and running the agenda for the Council and Committees. David has gained the Certificate in Local Council Administration, a qualification which enables the Parish Council to grant itself the General Power of Competence. This power allows the Council a much broader range of actions, effectively allowing it to do "whatever the man on the street would do".
David's other main role is to be the Responsible Finance Officer, or RFO, for Bishopstoke Parish Council which means he is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Council's finances and for ensuring that the financial regulations are followed, with the appropriate checks in place at all times.
David is currently also looking after Bishopstoke Cemetery. For any enquiry relating to burials, memorials or the Cemetery generally please contact
David can be reached on 07368 487464, or by emailing ​
Appointed earlier this year, Tim joined the Council in July as the new Allotments and Cemeteries Officer. He started his training with allotments where he has already made an impact, ensuring that unused plots are dealt with more quickly, and he can regularly be seen on one of our two current allotment sites.
To contact Tim with a question about allotments please email, or alternatively see the Allotments pages on our website. Alternatively Tim can be phoned on 07444 798083.
Tim is due to start training on Cemeteries by the end of the year and will fully take over the running of the Burial Grounds in early 2025. For enquiries about burials or anything relating to Bishopstoke Cemetery please contact
Tim currently works from Monday to Thursday so please bear that in mind when contacting him.
Appointed earlier this year, Emma joined the Council in August as the new Committees, Communications and Events Officer. When this proved too much of a mouthful for anyone to both with it was shortened to Admin Officer for a while before we settled on Admin & Events! Emma has taken over the minuting of Council meetings and is responsible for their accuracy. She also looks after the Council's newsletter, socials and noticeboards.
As Events Officer, Emma has been helping the Carnival group put together this year's Carnival which took place on September 7th and was a great success. She is also organising a series of Meet and Greet Coffee Sessions for residents who are interested or have questions they would like to ask Councillors. As ideas for other events are put forward by Councillors it will most likely be Emma that works with them to make them happen.
If you have an idea for an event or would like the Parish Council to support your event, then please get in touch with Emma by emailing, and if you would like to be involved with Carnival you can email
For anything not related to events, Emma can be contacted by emailing This is also the address to use if you would like a poster put up on the noticeboards.
Emma currently works from Tuesday to Thursday so please bear this in mind when contacting her.
ASSETS OFFICER - Mrs Alex Duthie
Appointed earlier this year, Alex also joined the Council in August as the new Assets Officer. She can often be seen around Bishopstoke inspecting our various play areas, or checking the various bins, benches, boards and bus stops to see if any maintenance is required.
Alex will be heavily involved in a number of the Council's projects over the next few years including: the Glebe Meadow upgrade; the new Allotment Building at Underwood Road; the Cemetery Boardwalk; the replacement for the Skate Park and not least the new Memorial Hall
To report a problem at one of our play areas please either email Alex at or you can visit this page to use our online report form.​
Alex currently only works on Tuesdays and Wednesday so please bear that in mind when contacting her.