David Wheal
07368 487464
Sophie Thorogood
07444 798083
CLERK - Mr David Wheal
The Clerk of a Parish Council is known as the "Proper Officer". This is a legal position which every Parish Council is required to fill. The Clerk is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Parish, for carrying out the lawful decisions of the Parish Council, and for providing advice, both legal and other, to the Council.
Bishopstoke's Clerk is David Wheal. He was appointed by the Council in late 2015 and began working for the Council on 1st January 2016. David is responsible for the overall running of Council business, looking after such things as the play areas and allotments, as well as writing Council policies and running the agenda for the Council and Committees. David recently passed the Certificate in Local Council Administration, a qualification which enables the Parish Council to grant itself the General Power of Competence. This power allows the Council a much broader range of actions, effectively allowing it to do "whatever the man on the street would do".
David is currently also looking after Bishopstoke Cemetery. For any enquiry relating to burials, memorials or the Cemetery generally please contact
David can be reached on 07368 487464, or by emailing
For information about the Council allotments and to go on the waiting list please email or see the Allotments page for an online application.
The Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) is another legal position that Parish Councils are required to fill. In smaller Councils the role is often taken by the Clerk. The RFO has responsibility for the Parish finances from day-to-day spending to preparing the budget for the next financial year, and for preparing for the annual audit.
Bishopstoke's RFO is Sophie Thorogood. She began working for the Council in April 2018 on a part time basis, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. In addition, Sophie manages the allotments and is the main point of contact at the Council for anyone wanting a plot. Sophie has also recently obtained the CiLCA qualification.
Sophie can be contacted via the Parish Office or on 07444 798083.
For anything to do with Parish Council finances please email
For information about allotments, please email, or alternatively see the Allotments pages on our website.