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4 years

Current waiting time

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Jockey Lane is a smaller allotment site with only around 35 plots. It is highly sought after which has led to a much longer waiting time. Being smaller, Jockey Lane only has one site representative, but the smaller nature of the site also makes it easier to get to know everyone.


There is no parking at Jockey Lane, so please be aware of this if you are thinking of applying for a plot there. Also, there is less Council-owned machinery so you will need to make sure you have access to all the tools you will need.


A public footpath runs through the middle of the allotment site connecting Avington Close to Stoke Common Road. Alongside the allotments is the Planney which is in the process of being restored to its former beauty.

General information about allotments including the tenancy agreement and other things it may be useful to know, can be found on the Allotments page. Waiting time for a plot at Jockey Lane is currently about 4 years but this can change. Only those who live within Bishopstoke can apply.


If you have any questions about allotments please feel free to get in touch by emailing or calling 07444 798083 and leaving a message.


Jockey Lane Allotments, Jockey Lane, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh, SO50 6DX

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